July 20th - 26th, 2024

See Itinerary
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In this Ceremony // Celebration of the Galactic Calendar New Year, we will purify our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies and set powerful intentions for the future unfoldment of our collective timelines. 
This is a week-long journey into the sacred, into sober ceremony, into unity consciousness :: where spirits, ancestors, animals and ascended masters will accompany and guide our work.
We will learn to see into our own darkness, our personal mystery, while exploring our divine purpose for the harmonising of the collective. All of this while giving and receiving from the sacred vortexes of Mount Shasta.


We will listen and be guided by the spirits of the land at five sacred sites - Pluto’s Cave, Castle Lake, Black Butte, Ascension Rock and Panther Meadows. Guided purification protocols will be balanced with free time to explore our own experiences.

*NOTE: This is an active retreat with hiking, climbing, and land work. Regardless of age, consider your physical health before registering. 


  • Daily Meditation & Yoga
  • Cocoa Ceremony
  • Full Moon Ceremony
  • Hiking Black Butte 
  • Sweat Lodge Ceremony
  • Sacred Site Experiences
  • Sound Healing
  • Ascension Rock Transmission
  • Journey to Telos
  • Panther Meadows Vision Quest
  • Organic Vegetarian Meals
  • Free Time for Integration


When we align our Body // Mind // Heart // Spirit to the organic multidimensional cycles of time, we increase our synchronicity exponentially. The Galactic New Year aligns with the convergence of the Sirian Star System and our Solar System in the greater cosmos, the height of that conjunction being the 8//8 Lion's Gate celestial event. During this Ceremony//Celebration we will identify your Galactic Signature and how it can be a guiding light for our overarching life purpose or Dharma. When you register for this immersion, you automatically have access to an "Introduction to the Galactic Calendar" video. 


Melanie Kay has dedicated her life to a path of service and to Earth’s Ascension. As this requires a multitude of roles to support the collective, she proudly holds titles such as Somatic Psychotherapist, Reiki Master, Mayan//Vedic Astrologer, Psychic//Tarot Reader, Galactic High Priestess, Crystalline Grid Mechanic and Ascension Researcher. It is her absolute joy and pleasure to share her gifts and wisdom in any way to support your journey.
Melanie has been practicing as a ceremonial leader since 2008. 



Single Occupancy - Dormitory Room w/Twin or Queen, or Camping

  • 1-1 Pre-Event Session w/ Melanie Kay
  • Lodging
  • Organic Meals
  • Daily Meditation 
  • Somatic Movement
  • Sacred Site Excursions
  • All Special Programming
  • Free "Introduction to the Galactic Calendar" 60min video
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Per Couple - Dormitory Room Queen or Camping

  • Two 1-1 Pre-Event Sessions w/ Melanie Kay
  • Lodging
  • Organic Meals
  • Daily Meditation 
  • Somatic Movement
  • Sacred Site Excursions
  • All Special Programming
  • Bonus "Introduction to the Galactic Calendar" 60min video
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Per Person - Private Room w/ Queen Bed

  • 1-1 Pre-Event Session w/ Melanie Kay
  • Lodging
  • Organic Meals
  • Daily Meditation 
  • Somatic Movement
  • Sacred Site Excursions
  • All Special Programming
  • Bonus "Introduction to the Galactic Calendar" 60min video
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Per Couple - Private Room w/ Queen Bed

  • Two, 1-1 Pre-Event Sessions w/ Melanie Kay
  • Lodging
  • Organic Meals
  • Daily Meditation 
  • Somatic Movement
  • Sacred Site Excursions
  • All Special Programming
  • Bonus "Introduction to the Galactic Calendar" 60min video
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