August 2nd - 5th, 2024
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Rejuvenate your spirit and learn the ancient practice of hands-on healing at an intimate retreat home in the forest within the Mt. Shasta Vortex.  In this beautiful place, you will be guided in the techniques of Reiki as dictated by the Anpao Wicahpi Wicohan :: The Morning Star Way. We will spend an entire day on the mountain during your initiations where you will come into a deeper awareness of the masters and guides who support this universal technique of healing energy transmission.  


Star Altar Reiki goes beyond the Usui Reiki knowledge, including all the Ascended Masters, guides and over-lighting beings whom support this universal practice of divine energy transmission for ultimate balance, harmony and peace in all of the bodies :: Physical // Emotional // Mental // Spiritual and with All Our Relations :: Mitakuyé Oyasin. This retreat seamlessly blends learning sessions, group coherence healings & a sacred Level I Initiation on the magical Mt. Shasta.  The Reiki manual we use is a channeled text created by Lakota elders Chief Golden Light Eagle // Wambdi Zizi and Grandmother Silverstar // Wičahpi Mazaska Wasté Win in 1997. There are six levels of Reiki Initiations available in this system. 


We'll start each day with meditation, breath work and somatic movement, priming your body to receive the teachings and transmissions of the day.
Saturday, we will share information on the energy body and how Reiki flows through our universe. We will have a chance to practice activating out palm chakras and practicing on ourselves and each other. 
Sunday, our full day initiation takes us to several sacred sites around and on Mt. Shasta where you will receive a special attunement at each site. By the end of our time, you will feel knowledgeable and confident on how to practice using Reiki at home on yourself, others, your animals, plants, minerals and your surrounding environment. 


  • Daily Meditation, Breathwork & Yoga
  • All Reiki Instruction Sessions
  • Group Coherence Healing Session 
  • Cocoa Ceremony
  • Reiki I Initiation Transmission
  • Mt. Shasta Sacred Site Experience 
  • Reiki I Manual
  • Delicious, locally sourced, nutritious meals
  • Free time for personal reflection & journaling 
  • And... A Secret Special Gift! 


Melanie Kay has dedicated her life to a path of service and to Earth’s Ascension. As this requires a multitude of roles to support the collective, she proudly holds titles such as Reiki Master, Somatic Psychotherapist, Galactic High Priestess, Tarot Reader, Vedic Astrologer, Crystalline Grid Mechanic and Ascension Researcher. She was initiated in Reiki Master level in 2012 but as we know, the journey continues to unfold. She has continued to deepen and broaden her knowledge of Universal Life Force energy through Qigong, Kundalini Yoga, Quantum Healing & Ceremony studies. It is her absolute joy and pleasure to share her gifts and wisdom in any way to support your journey.


Included in your program is a library of content that will include the recorded teaching sessions from our classes, which will be uploaded the week after our course closes. To further support your integration, we will have a collective check-in video call one month after the initiations. 


Per Person - All Included

  • Comfortable Dorm Style Lodging
  • Organic Meals
  • Daily Meditation 
  • Somatic Movement & Breathwork Sessions
  • All Reiki Learning Sessions
  • Reiki Initiation on Mt. Shasta
  • Recorded Content Post-Retreat
  • Integration Session Post-Retreat 
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Per Couple - All Included

  • Comfortable Dorm Style Lodging 
  • Organic Meals
  • Daily Meditation 
  • Somatic Movement & Breathwork Sessions
  • All Reiki Learning Sessions
  • Reiki Initiation on Mt. Shasta
  • Recorded Content Post-Retreat
  • Integration Session Post-Retreat 
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Feeling into an International Immersion?


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Join us on the pilgrimage to Gosaikunda, a sacred mountain lake and abode for Lord Shiva, according to the Samudra Manthan epic told in the Vishnu Purana. We will practice breath work and kundalini yoga to enhance this Himalayan trekking experience. 

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March 2025

This tour provides a once-in-a-lifetime immersion into the ancient temple sites along the Nile River Valley. From the King's Chamber on the Giza plateau, to a private Dahabiya sailing experience on the Nile, this co-creative experience is set to be absolutely sublime.

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